Friday, November 27, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

I love Thanksgiving...I love friends...and family...and all the wonderful smells and raucous laughter and FOOTBALL!!!

Jason took the kids with him to volunteer at the Homeless Shelter this year, giving me ample time in the morning to get all ready for the big day. Especially since we were going to a friends house for dinner and I was only in charge of stuffing, rolls, and apple pie. Yum.

When they got home, Jason camped out in front of ESPN. GO LIONS!!! (sorry...I know they suck...but I CANNOT cheer Green Bay because I am a Bears its against my religion).

Around 3 we headed over to our friends, the Andersons. Our other friends, the Allens, also it was a FULL HOUSE. Just the way we like it...lots of kids, lots of laughing, lots of FUN.

This is Angel Anderson whipping up a last minute chocolate pie, while the kids attack the appetizers. Don't bother, Angel...I brought apple. YUM, YUM, YUM!!!
(Have you guessed my favorite part of Thanksgiving dinner yet?)

The Allen girls!! Madeline, mom Laura, Lisle, Gwyneth, and Gretchen!!! They are SO MUCH FUN!!!

This is Chelsea Anderson and big brother Ron...chilling their bellies after insanely stuffing them with...well...STUFFING!!!

Ahhhh....and her is Casey Anderson and Kaitlyn...who talked clothes and boys most of the afternoon...and also share my weakness for apple pie. Aren't they beautiful?

After the Andersons, we headed to the Fabianos for dessert. I was so full...that my brain had stopped working and I forgot my camera in the car. Sorry.
But we had a great time chatting and laughing at great stories...I LOVE the Fabianos. They are some of my favorite people.
Anyway...Happy Thanksgiving!!!

1 comment:

Mel said...

Sorry we missed hangin' with y'all at the Fab's. But....Stephen was on a major football shortage-his favorite part of Thanksgiving is the football and NOT the food--so we needed to get home and watch the Cowboys...STAT! Looks like you had a wonderful day, though!