Friday, July 8, 2011

Third Week of Summer School...

After a week off, where Joseph and Jason went up to Camp La Noche for Boy Scout Camp, we resumed our Geography-themed Summer School with our first country, Ireland.

We did our usual vocabulary and journaling, along with history, mythology, and folklore lessons.

 We went to the movies...but we didn't get to spend hardly ANY time swimming, either at the pool OR the it was grey and rainy all week long...although since we were studying Ireland, it was strangely appropriate.

We also "caught" a leprechaun that left us chocolate "gold", and graphed Skittles while we watched a PBS documentary about Ancient Ireland.

We baked Irish Soda Bread...SEVERAL loaves...

...and on the last day, made Rainbow Cupcakes with Cloud Frosting.

 It's been a fun week!! Now...on to NEXT week's country...

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