So - every summer I make these elaborate summer school plans. My goal is always to send them back to school EONS ahead of the other kids...which never, ever happens. In fact, what normally happens is that about 3 weeks in, my kids are so tired of WORKING that they become REALLY uncooperative and defiant, and I become REALLY frustrated and authoritarian. In the interest of sanity, we do less and less until sometime around late July I realize we're not doing anything AT ALL. So this year, I decided that I wanted to have a much more laid-back summer school...something that would bring our family closer together, and where they would be having so much fun that they wouldn't realize that they were actually learning. I also wanted to find something that would be easy to plan and work with, so I could have a less stressful summer. So I found these great lesson plans LAST YEAR on a web-site called (, and they seemed really fun and simple...and best of all, they were GOSPEL THEMED, so it was kind-of like one big Family Home Evening Lesson. I copied them and did some minor revision and addition to accomodate my kids, who are older than the lesson is geared for. I decided to post them in case anyone wants to use a whole or in parts. If nothing else, maybe it will give you some ideas for your own summer school at home. Original credit for the lessons has to be given to, and the lessons can be found in their original format on that web-site. Thanks!!
Week One - Jonah/OceanographyShannans additions: One of my favorite web-sites is Membership is FREE, and they have some FANTASIC worksheets for grades Pre-K through 4th grade. They have an Ocean unit, and I will be printing up all the “Fact Files” and putting them in brad folders for my kids to color and read this week. They have “Funsheets” too, of math and language and science.
Each of my kids will also have a notebook “journal”, and each day there will be a topic for them to write about OR draw a picture of (depending on their age level). That way I can work with the kids who need essay skills and grammar work, and the littles can color and draw or work on simple sentences.
During the week, we’ll also be visiting the library (we go once a week in the summer). We’ll be going on Monday to get books that go with the weeks’ theme. The Summer Reading Program is always awesome.
We’ll also have time for computer work (sites like Starfall) and flash card work with math and letter & number recognition. Believe it or not…with all this stuff, I’m still planning on spending only a couple hours a day on this…excepting field trips and outings.
Each week there is a scripture to memorize. I would write this scripture on a large piece of poster board or construction paper and post it where everyone can see it. You can have a “test” at the end of the week to see who’s memorized it, and a “test” at the end of the summer to see how many everyone remembers (like scripture mastery).
Another thought from the BYU Women’s Conference article on summer learning is setting up a reward system to keep kids motivated. It states:
“Now if your child isn’t that excited about doing this. Make a reward system. Each day they get points for doing their reading, flashcards, etc. When they reach a specified number of points they get a predetermined prize. For example, 200 points, you’ll go to an amusement park. Whatever your family likes to do.” (To view entire article…see end of lesson)
We’ll probably be trying a reward/behavior system like this. It won’t be as fancy as an amusement park, but a weekly trip to the dollar store sounds reasonable, as does a night to help mom make their favorite dinner, or getting extra computer time on “fun” (not educational) sites. Whatever works!!
Monday:-Start with a prayer.
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance and/or family motto.
- Song, “
Follow the Prophet” (Jonah Verse - Verse 7)
- Scripture - Recite and Memorize
Jonah 2:7.
Opening Activity - Play Hide and Seek with your childrenAfter playing hide and seek, have everyone sit down and ask the following questions:
1. Did I find you every time? (Yes)
2. Did I ever stop looking for you? (No)
3. Why do you think I kept looking? (Because I love you and don’t want to lose you)
Heavenly Father didn’t want his children in Ninevah to be lost and so he called on Jonah to teach them and to have them repent.
Use the following to tell the story of Jonah - The children are going to pretend that they are Jonah. As you tell the following version of the story of Jonah, they supply the necessary actions as indicated in parenthesis. The actions are done all together as a group.
1. One day a man named Jonah, who was a special prophet of God’s, received a message from Heavenly Father. He wanted Jonah to go and preach to the wicked city of Nineveh.
2. Jonah didn’t like the assignment at all.(EVERYONE SHAKES THEIR HEAD NO)
3. He was afraid it was a job he couldn’t do, so he decided to run away and hide. (EVERYONE MAKES A RUNNING SOUND AND THEN COVERS THEIR HEAD WITH THEIR ARMS.)
4. He got on a boat that was sailing the opposite direction. He fell asleep in the bottom of the boat. (EVERYONE CLOSES EYES AND SNORES LOUDLY.)
5. While he was sleeping a terrible storm blew up. Lightening flashed and thunder crashed. There were huge waves and plenty of rain. The sailors tried throwing things overboard to lighten the ship, but they were still afraid they would sink.
6. When they woke Jonah up, he told them the storm was his fault. If they would throw him overboard, they would be safe. They didn’t want to do it, but finally they had to. Jonah sank down into the ocean. EVERYONE MAKES SWIMMING MOTIONS.)
7. The storm stopped immediately after Jonah was tossed from the ship. God sent a large fish to swallow him. He sat in the belly of this fish and did some thinking. (EVERYONE TAPS FOREHEAD WITH INDEX FINGER.)
8. Jonah told God he was sorry (EVERYONE FOLDS HANDS IN PRAYER) and he was ready to go to Nineveh to preach.
9. Jonah began walking back to Nineveh. (EVERYONE MAKES WALKING SOUNDS WITH FEET) He preached to the people in Nineveh and they repented and asked God for forgiveness. 10. Heavenly Father had used Jonah in a special way. He helped Jonah and He will help us too.
Vocabulary Words - For today’s assignment, have the children write each word out on a 3 x 5 card with a sharpie marker. There are pictures at the end of the lesson to print up. Have the kids glue them to the front of the cards, with the vocab words on the back.
whale, fish, water, shark, eel, coral, seaweed, starfish, cod, seahorse, octopus, clam, stingray, boat, squid
Math - Just Fishie, Not Tricky Math Worksheet (
click here to download worksheet). Color and laminate one for each child. Have them use a dry erase marker to complete worksheet. When done, erase with a tissue. Younger Children - Complete worksheet togetherOlder Children - Have them work independently. For a greater challenge, use a count up timer and see how quickly it can be completed without mistakes. Have them break their own records.
Shannans additions: For my older kids, I am using white-out to change the signs from addition to multiplication and division.
Journal: Jonah was afraid of going to Ninevah. What are you afraid of? Why?
Reading: Read one book for each kid (Joseph and Savannah will read their choices aloud to everyone to help with fluency, and Brigham will “help” read with the words he knows). Teachers recommend a couple of activities to help improve fluency. One is to record your child reading a book or passages from a book and then listening to it to learn to self-correct mistakes and learn how to character read. Another way is to get a PVC elbow joint big enough for your child to talk in one end and have the other end to their ear…like a telephone. They read aloud into the pipe and hear it in their ear – so they are reading AND listening at the same time…learning to correct mistakes, improve fluency, and character read! Try it!!
Flashcards: Have big kids review math flash cards independently while I work with Brigham and Nicolette on letter and letter sound recognition.
Computer: Each kid gets 30 minutes of computer time on EDUCATIONAL site. Teacher Recommendations:,
- Start with a prayer.
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance and/or family motto.
- Song, “
Follow the Prophet” (Jonah Verse - Verse 7)
- Scripture - Recite and Memorize
Jonah 2:7.
Science - Fill the bathtub or container with water. Help the children collect 10 items from around the house that won’t be ruined if they get wet. Before starting the experiment have each child fill out the first part of their worksheet (
click here to download this worksheet). For younger children, ask them the questions and mark their answers for them). Once the first set of questions have been answered and recorded, have each child test their items and mark the results on their worksheet. You can repeat the activity with ten new items if desired.
Handwriting - Practice the letters of Jonah’s name (
click here to download this worksheet)
Shannans additions: I’m making a similar worksheet, but with cursive letters, for Joseph and Savannah. See Vocabulary Words - For today’s assignment, have the older children take one (or more) of the 3x5 cards. Have them choose a word that challenges them (whale, fish, water, shark, eel, coral, seaweed, starfish, cod, seahorse, octopus, clam, stingray, boat, squid). Have them cut the word up into letters. Have them put the letters in the correct order until they can do it really fast. If it was easy, have them do another word or have your child see HOW many words he/she can create using the same letters. Have them write them down. For younger children, show them one of the 3 x 5 cards with a vocabulary word on it. Have them say and trace each letter of the word(s).
Shannans Additions: Instead of the above activity, I’m going to have them copy the vocab words 3x each…in cursive for Joseph (yeah – his handwriting sucks, and maybe Savannah, too…since she’s learning). Brigham will print, and Nicolette will do picture recognition.Math - Jonah’s Name Worksheet (
click here to download this worksheet) - First, guess how many goldfish crackers it will take you to trace Jonah’s name? Second, lay out the fish over the lines, tracing Jonah’s name. How many fish crackers did it take you? How close were you to your guess? What is the difference between the guess and the answer?
Shannans Additions:
Journal: “If you were a fish, what kind would be?” Older kids can make up a story about being a fish or being turned into one.
Reading: Read one book for each kid (Joseph and Savannah will read their choices aloud to everyone to help with fluency, and Brigham will “help” read with the words he knows).
Flashcards: Go over math flash cards with big kids while littles review alphabet cards.
Computer: 30 minutes EACH of computer time on EDUCATIONAL sites.Wednesday:
- Start with a prayer.
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance and/or family motto.
- Song, “Follow the Prophet” (Jonah Verse - Verse 7)
- Scripture - Recite and Memorize Jonah 2:7.
Opening Activity - Have your child practice their numbers with this fish lacing card (click here to download it).
Cooking - Make Prayer Pretzels
You’ll need:
1 package of dry yeast
1-1/2 cups lukewarm water (not hot)
2 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
4 cups of flour
1 beaten egg
Dissolve yeast in warm water and let rise a few minutes. Add sugar and salt and blend in 4 cups flour. Turn dough out on floured table or breadboard and knead until smooth. Refrigerate until you are ready to use at your table.
Preheat oven to 325 . Lightly grease cookie sheet or toaster oven tray. Cut off 4” piece of dough roll into ropes about six to eight inches, or a length you can easily twist. Twist into shape with loop at top and two arms folded over. Arrange on lightly greased toaster oven tray or cookie sheet allowing space between pretzels for expansion. Brush with beaten egg—those places you miss will not brown. Sprinkle with salt. Bake 12-15 minutes. Ovens may vary so check after 7-8 minutes.
Lesson Plan - Review the story of Jonah from Monday - Specifically read some of the passages dealing with prayer and how many times it is mentioned—also talk about the importance of prayer. There are many types of prayers. Ask the children if they can think of any:.
o Prayers of Gratitude (food - family - home - health - earth)
o Peace (giving talk or performing so nerves will be calm)
o Safety (travel, etc.)
o Someone’s health - friend family member facing surgery or medical problem
o Strength / Priesthood Blessings (to get through a tough situation)
o Sacrament Prayers
Review prayer language.
Tell the story of the Pretzel - In about 610 A.D. a very creative Alpine Monk decided to make use of the dough left over from baking bread. The Monk formed them into thin strips folded into a looped twist to represent the folded arms of children in prayer. This scrumptious treat was given to the children as they learned their prayers. They began calling the treat “Pretiola”, which is Latin for “little reward”. Soon it was known to the world as pretzel. The secret of making great pretzels is not only in the baking but also in the shaping. We, like pretzels, are made from the best ingredients, by the best hands available, the hands of our Father in Heaven. Have you ever seen a broken pretzel, or one that has lost it’s shape? We too, can lose our shape when we don’t pray always to keep our spirituality in place. The simple shape of the pretzel, arms folded in prayer, reminds us to pray each day. Our “Pretiola” or “little rewards” are the blessings we receive.During this twisting time, it may be possible to talk about what happens when we pray for others. Francis of Assisi said, “The gift of prayer is no small gift, to whomever it is given.” It is a gift implying love, thoughtfulness, and often action on the part of the person who says the prayer.
While the children are making their pretzels, ask them to think of one person they can pray for and to challenge them to remember them throughout the day and in their prayers. (Before starting family prayers at night, review the names of those you want to remember so that you can pray for them as a family too.)
Journal - Each child should have their own notebook/journal of paper for the summer (regardless of age). For younger children, have them draw a picture of Jonah and the whale. For older children, have them share what they’ve learned about so far on Jonah and how we are sometimes like him.
Shannans Additions: I’m actually doing the above journal on Friday. Todays journal is: “How has prayer helped you in your life?”
Vocab: We’re going to play a “fishing game” with the letters of our spelling words. We’ll use refrigerator magnet letters and a “fishing pole” with a magnet on the end to attract. When they “catch” the letters, we’ll use them to spell words on the fridge or a metal sheet. Maybe we’ll fill in the missing vowel, or unscramble the words.
Flashcards: Have the big kids quiz each other with flash cards while reviewing alphabet cards with littles.
Computer: 30 minutes EACH of computer time on EDUCATIONAL sites
Fun Stuff: Today is the day we’ll be going to the movies!!! (see to find theatres offering the "Free Family Film Festival" near you)
What else I did: I found these cute "octopus'" in a Family Fun magazine. You took skeins of yarn and covered a styrofoam ball with the yarn. Then you braided the yarn hanging off the styrofoam balls into 8 "tentacles". Add some googly eyes, and it was done!! It was cute and a good way to help the kids learn to braid. They really love them. It was a great activity for the afternoon when Floridas' skies open up and we get drenched!!


- Start with a prayer.
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance and/or family motto.
- Song, “Follow the Prophet” (Jonah Verse - Verse 7)
- Scripture - Recite and Memorize Jonah 2:7.
Art - Whale in a Bottle.
You will need an empty two liter soda bottle with lid, small balloon, blue food coloring, sharpie marker and water. Fill a 2-liter bottle half full of water and put in desired amount of blue food coloring. have your child shake to mix well. Inflate the small balloon but do not tie. Using a sharpie marker, have your child draw eyes, fins, spout, mouth, etc. to make it look like a whale. Deflate the balloon. Place one end of the balloon inside the mouth of the 2-liter bottle (make sure bottle is standing straight up). Inflate and tie balloon and push inside the bottle. (Optional - if you have a little plastic person, you could put him inside the bottle before sealing it up to make it look like Jonah). Seal lid tight (you can even hot glue it shut if desired). Whala! Whale in a bottle. (Optional - you can insert a little glitter in the water for a little fun!)

Geography - You’ll need a globe or map, 2 small drinking cups of water for each child. Fill one cup with fresh water and the second cup of salt water. Point out the oceans on the globe/map. Let them try the salt water first. Then point out the lakes and rivers and let them try the fresh water. Explain that there are some fish and animals that can’t survive in fresh water.
Snack - You will need goldfish crackers, stick pretzels and peanut butter. Have your child dip their fishing pole (pretzel sticks) into peanut butter (bait) and catch a fish (goldfish crackers).
Game - Using this clipart, make nine squares of fish and nine squares of boats. Make fifteen squares, number them 1 through 15, and lay them on the table or floor in a horizontal row. Divide the children into two teams, or make it you against the children. Give the fish to one team and the boats to the other team. The object of the game is to get three fish or three boats in a row. Ask the fish team a question. If they answer it correctly, they place one fish over one of the fifteen numbers. Ask the boat team a question. If they answer it correctly, they place a boat over one of the numbers. Only one card may be placed on each number. Continue to ask each team questions until one team gets three of their cards in a row. Sometimes they will have to decide whether to block the other team or go for the win themselves. If no team gets three in a row before all the numbers are covered, the team with the most fish or boats is the winner.
a. Will everyone automatically be forgiven of their sins when they die? (No)
b. Who made it possible for our sins to be forgiven? (Jesus Christ)
c. Where did the Lord tell Jonah to go? (Nineveh)
d. Why did Jonah get on the ship? (To flee from the Lord)
e. What was Jonah doing on the boat when the wind started to blow? (Sleeping)
f. What did the shipmaster want Jonah to do? (Pray)
g. What did Jonah tell the sailors to do to calm the sea? (Throw him overboard)
h. Did the sailors want to throw Jonah overboard? (No)
i. How did Jonah get to the shore? (The fish vomited him onto the shore)
j. Will Heavenly Father always love us, even when we sin? (Yes)
k. What did Jonah do when he was in the belly of the fish? (He prayed and was sorry)
l. Is feeling guilty about our sins bad for us? (No, feeling guilty is how we know we need to repent)
m. Were the people of Nineveh too wicked for the Lord to forgive them? (No, they were forgiven because they truly repented)
n. What did Jonah tell the people of Nineveh? (That they would be overthrown in forty days unless they repented)
o. What were some of the things the people of Nineveh did to help them repent? (They believed Jonah, they fasted and prayed in sackcloth and ashes, and they turned from their evil ways)
p. What did the people and the animals wear while they were fasting? (Sackcloth)
q. Does Satan want us to think we are too bad to be forgiven of our sins? (Yes)
r. If we do not repent of our sins, can we live again with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ? (No)
Shannans Additions:
Vocab: My older kids will be writing definitions for their vocab words today while the younger ones work on some language worksheets from
Our journal topic: “Imagine a future where we lived under water. Draw a picture of it and write a brief explanation.” (obviously – this journal is less writing and more art).
Flashcards: Switch back to working with big kids and letting littles review.
Computer: 30 minutes each
- Start with a prayer.
- Recite the Pledge of Allegiance and/or family motto.
- Song, “Follow the Prophet” (Jonah Verse - Verse 7)
- Scripture - Recite and Memorize Jonah 2:7.
Reading - Have your older children read the story of Jonah online.
Vocabulary - Download these pictures (pdf file). For younger children, help them recognize each one. For older children, have them spell each one. (These pictures are the ones we’ll glue to the front of the vocab cards).
Art & Lesson Summary - Call a few appliance stores and see if one of them will let you have a large appliance box. You and your children can then decorate the box to look like a whale. Use a sharpie marker to draw the whale on the box and have the children color and decorate it. Have the children sit with you in the appliance box (or a dark closet if you don’t get a box). Fit as many in as possible so there isn’t any room to move or shift about. Ask them to pretend they are inside a fish’s stomach. Imagine what it must be like. Ask the following questions:
1. What does it smell like in here? (Seaweed, rotten food, salty, stale water etc.)
2. What does it feel like in here? (Slimy, slippery, wet etc.)
3. What does it look like in here? (Probably pitch black)
4. What can we hear in here? (Gurgling, digestive noises, echos, etc.)
Summary - Sometimes we may be tempted to think, “So, what was the big deal with Jonah anyway? He should have just gone and done what Heavenly Father asked him to and he would have been spared three days in a fish’s belly.” Are there things Heavenly Father may ask us to do someday, that we may not care much for? Read the following statements. Tell your children that if it is something they feel they could do without any problem, they are to stand up and say, “Here am I”. If it is something they would rather run away from like Jonah did, they are to run in place in their chairs.
1. You are asked to sing special music in church alone.
2. Your teacher asks you if you would try to make friends with the kid nobody else in class likes.
3. Your coach asks you to give the opening prayer for your teammates before a big game.
4. You need to tell your mom that you’ve been telling quite a number of lies lately.
5. You have to tell your friends you can’t come to the party they’ve planned because it’s on Sunday.
Optional Field Trip - Go to a local aquarium and learn about the different types of fish. Bring your vocabulary pictures with you from today and have the children point out anything that matches the pictures.
Shannans Additions:
Journal: We’ll do the journal summary from Wednesday
Vocab: I’ll give a spelling test to the bigger kids, while quizzing Brigham on the words as sight words and Nicolette as picture recognition (so they don’t feel left out).
Flashcards: have a Timing Race to see how fast they can go with as few mistakes as possible
Computer: Skipping computer today
Field Trip: I think for the field trip, we’ll be going to the beach, since the only aquarium I can think of is the Seaquarium, and it is just too expensive. We love the beach anyway!!
Additional Fun: It would be fun to watch the Veggie-tales:Jonah movie today from inside our whale (especially if you can’t go on a field trip). Another good day to watch would be Tuesday or Thursday.
Title: “Summertime, and the Learnin’ is Easy”
Exhibitor: Lisa Neubert
Summer learning programs are a great way for you to be involved
in your child’s education, and they are not that difficult to do. Daily activities include reading, math, computer study, and music. A weekly schedule can be set up for art day, science day, cooking day, library day, etc. A summer folder is created along the way so all can review a treasure of memories at the end of the summer.
Why would you want to start a summer learning program?
It is getting warmer; the days are getting longer. You know it’s coming, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Yes, it is summer vacation. If there’s anything that makes a long hot day longer and hotter, it would have to be the words, “I’m bored.” You’re there. You’re on the spot. Your brain freezes. You can’t think of anything for your child to do. Maybe it’s time you started a summer learning program for your kids.
Now first off—DON’T PANIC! It’s not as difficult and time consuming as it sounds. Plus it has a lot of benefits. So let’s start there.
1. Gives your kids something to do besides watch TV.
2. Helps your kids maintain their academic level.
3. Keeps your kids reading during the summer.
4. Adds some structure to your day.
5. Lets your kids learn about their community.
How do you start a summer learning program?
Those all sound pretty good but how do you go about doing it without giving yourself a headache? The first thing to do is to establish a daily schedule for the things you want to do. You want to create the schedule based on your kids and what you want them to accomplish. For your average elementary school child you might divide the time into the following categories:
§ Workbook pages (You can buy these at any teaching supply store)
§ Free Reading
§ Math flash cards
§ Educational computer games
§ Music practice
§ Activity (We’ll talk about this later)
Obviously if your child doesn’t play a musical instrument or you don’t have a computer, you would skip these activities. Also you want to cater the time spent on each subject to each child. Do what you think is important.
We’ve found if the kids get these basic daily activities done first thing in the morning they are more successful and have a good attitude. But another time of day might work better for you, so do what is best for your family.
What types of activities do you do?
We’ve found it is fun to have a theme for the week and then to do activities around the theme. One of the best ways to think of themes is to ask your kids what they want to learn about. You might be surprised at the answers. Once you have a theme, then each day of the week has a type of activity, and the activity revolves around the theme. For example:
Monday - Art Day
Tuesday - Science Day
Wednesday - Cooking Day
Thursday - Library Day
Friday - Field Trip
So let’s say the theme was Dinosaurs. On Monday we would make fossils in clay. On Tuesday we’d do an experiment where we put a chicken bone in vinegar and see that it became soft. On Wednesday we’d make rolls that were shaped like dinosaurs. On Thursday we go to the library and participate in their program. On Friday we’d take a trip to a Natural History Museum. It’s that simple, and each day we had something fun to do.
Where can you get ideas?
So you’re excited and you want to try it out, but you don’t have any ideas. Well you’re in luck because there are some great resources out there:
§ Internet—The internet has hundreds of sites devoted to kids, crafts and learning. You might have to search, but once you’ve found a good one, it will probably lead you to several other good sites.
§ Library—The library has tons of books on art projects that are inexpensive and easy to do. It also has science books that can help you find some projects you can do. Most libraries also have a summer reading program that can help reinforce what you’re doing at home. Besides that, librarians have a wealth of information about ideas and what the library has, and all you have to do is ask them.
§ Magazines—There are several magazines devoted to children and families. They often have great ideas. The Friend is also a great source for cooking ideas, arts and crafts, and extracurricular reading.
§ Scouting Manuals and Offices—The scouting manuals have fun projects that you can do for both boys and girls, and the scouting office often has inexpensive kits that you can buy to make projects.
§ Community pages in the phone book—The phone book lists things that are available in your community, such as museums and planetariums, as well as nearby recreation sites and activities.
§ Local Historical Sites, Festivals and Fairs—Most towns have local historical sites that are fun to visit. You might need to call ahead to make sure it is open. Also most communities have festivals. We always try to incorporate our local festival into our learning program. We attend any free activities or cultural events that we can
§ Newspapers—Most newspapers will let you know what is happening around you so you can get out there and do things.
§ Tourist Information Center—Your local tourism board has pamphlets about things to do where you live. These are often helpful because not only will they give you an idea of fun things to do, but they list prices, phone numbers and operating hours.
Weekly theme ideas
Here’s a list of fun weeks that we’ve done as well as possible field trips and other activities, but don’t limit yourself. Be creative, ask your kids what they want to learn about.
Weekly Theme & Possible Field Trips
Farm animals -
Farmer’s market or fruit stand, petting zoo, cooking with fresh vegetables
Pioneers -
Pioneer museum or historical site, churning butter, making pioneer toys
Transportation -
Use public transportation to go somewhere, make boats and have boat races
Dinosaurs -
Dinosaur museum, or natural history museum, make fossils or dinosaurs out of clay
Local University -
Spend time at a local university looking at displays in buildings or museums
Outdoors -
Build fires, tie knots, cook over a fire
Weather -
Learn to use weather charts, track the weather, tour a weather office
Earth Week -
Learn about recycling, recycle crayons, plant a tree
Space -
Planetarium, get star charts and go star gazing,
Garden -
Botanical gardens, plant seeds
Patriotic -
Go to a parade, make patriotic shirts, make a family flag
Recording and rewarding:
One thing that our kids enjoy doing is making a summer notebook. They can put some of their art projects in the notebook, as well as pictures of other things that you’ve done. It is fun for them to look back on what they did.
Now if your child isn’t that excited about doing this. Make a reward system. Each day they get points for doing their reading, flashcards, etc. When they reach a specified number of points they get a predetermined prize. For example, 200 points, you’ll go to an amusement park. Whatever your family likes to do.
Going out there and doing it:
Now you’ve got some ideas. You just need to do it. If it’s easiest for you, plan the entire summer. If that’s too much, then just take it a couple of weeks at a time. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t do something every day. Just keep trying. You’ll find it is fun to be with your children and to watch their progress and joy in learning.
You’ll be amazed as the kids become excited with what you are doing, and encourage you by saying “What subject are we studying this week?” I know it sounds too good to be true, but it often happens.